Thursday, June 23

The first post!

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog!

I’m Mrs B, I love to crochet and have recently taken up knitting and am falling in love with it too!

I’ve always wanted to have a blog, but until now couldn’t think what on earth I could blog about.

I look forward to documenting the things I make, techniques I learn and the awesome (and plentiful) knitting and crochet stuff I come across and buy.

I maily crochet Amigurumi and knit baby stuff. Mr B and I aren't going to have a baby for a while, but I love babies, and their adorable clothes and accessories so I figure why not get a headstart? Also - baby things are small and I'm not one to keep on at one pattern for a long time! Also, knitting baby stuff stops me getting tempted to start buying it - which I think would be a little more weird and much mroe expensive! As any baby item I see I instantly want!

If you’re reading this post then it’s probably because I’ve sent you the link, but hopefully the blog will be a bit more exciting soon, and others who are new to knitting and crochet, or who want to see lots of cute stuff will find it too!


  1. Hi, I found your blog from ravelry. Have fun blogging. Judy

  2. Hi Judy!

    Thank you for stopping by!
