Friday, June 24

My Yarn craft up until now.

I started to crochet a couple of years ago, mainly as I fancied a new hobby and up until that point I'd tried (and failed) knitting a couple of times and lost heart with it. Then I was discussing this with Mr B's Aunt and she said "Why not try crochet" and gave me a needle.

I took to it pretty quickly, and soon learned about Amigurumi bought myself a couple of books and away I went. Here are some of my projects from the past couple of years (sadly I didn't think to photograph ones I made as gifts before I gave them, so most aren't documented.)

[A Pony I made from Super Cute Crochet by Nicki Trench]

Incidentally my first ever Amigurumi was from that book - here she is!
[If I can make my first attempt at something look this not-awful then you can too!]

[An adorable Halloween cat from a pattern by the amazing Ana Paula Rimoli]
Her book Amigurumi World is amazing and I've made most of the cuties from it.
I've also crocheted some blankets, and cushion covers, I mainly choose projects like those to learn new techniques and stitches.

Which is exactly what I did with my first proper knitting project. I made a basket weave baby blanket from this pattern. In retrospect it was maybe a bit large for a first project, but it sure gave me lots of practice at Knitting and Purling, as well as teaching me how to do different types of increase and decrease. I think it came out OK for a first attempt!

Once I had my stitches perfected and was more confident that I could read patterns (the most challenging part of Knitting and Crochet) I was ready to tackle something that wasn't square!

My love of baby stuff made me choose a cute little nappy (diaper) wrap. I figured it was small enough to get completed over a weekend (probably in an hour for experienced knitters) and it had some new techniques in it.

I want for grey yarn, as I figured if I did ever want to use it I can make it girly or boy...y with my choice of buttons. So here it is:

I'm really happy with the stitching and how it looks, also learning the ribbing was fun. I think I'll eventually make some more in other sizes and colours as they'll be adorable on boys with a little t-shirt, or on girls under dresses.

Finally for today, I'm rather proud of myself as I have one Christmas present finished already! A pair of slippers that I crocheted from a pattern by Nicki Trench. They crocheted up really quickly and I think they're really cute. I used some puffy paint on the soles to give them some grip.

I will be getting some light pink ribbon for around the top of the slippers to shape them a bit.

I'm currently in the process of knitting a cowl with some gorgeous wool and crocheting a stripy baby blanket so I will update on those over the weekend.

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